Meaning of the term

name of the term :

Anhydrous milk fat (AMF)




AMF is a natural milk fat obtained from the cream of fresh cow's milk. Besides β-palmitate (beta-palmitate or SN2-palmitate), AMF contains fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and cholesterol.


Infants have high energy requirements. In breast milk, about 50% of the energy comes from fat. Almost 100% of breast milk fats are triglycerides. These contain a glycerol “backbone” that can bind fatty acids at three positions. Palmitic acid is one of the most important saturated fatty acids in breast milk. Palmitic acids that bind to the middle position of the glycerol backbone are called β-palmitates.

Beta/β-palmitate can have a beneficial effect on the absorption of fat and calcium. Fewer faecal calcium soaps appear to be formed, which may manifest itself in softer stools. Positive observations have also been made with regard to bone strength. Beta/β-palmitate can influence the microbial composition of the intestinal flora in the first weeks of life by stimulating the growth of the “good intestinal bacteria” bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. A healthy intestinal flora forms the basis for our general well-being.

Synonyms : AMF
